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The Roundtable of Regions is a consortium of representatives from Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Regions around the State. Each IRWM is unique - but they all share many common interests. The Roundtable provides a forum for interested parties working on IRWM to discuss those interests and to share their successes and challenges. It also provides a forum for collaborating and providing input to the State on the IRWM Program. The Roundtable welcomes all groups who are actively working on developing and/or implementing IRWM Plans.

Ojai Meadows GA


Kern County 2

Ojai Meadows GA

2002 - 2022
and going strong!

Meeting the Challenge to achieve Regional Resilience

“IRWM is unique because of the determination and willingness of interests that have not been in the same room together for decades to sit down at the same table and take on issues one more time. It brings together sincere individuals seeking to bridge diverse perspectives, motives, and objectives to build relationships, support communities, and connect across differences—and in some cases, setting aside their own interests to support smaller or less affluent groups with greater needs.”
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